Chapter's Bitter End

By Persia Walker

When celebrated writer John Chapter is found dead in his Harlem townhouse, reporter Lanie Price leans into a mystery that involves ambition, love, and dark secrets. Amid the intellectual fervor of the 1920s, Harlem's literary elite gather in elegant salons, unaware of the sinister truths lurking beneath their polished exteriors. A torn letter from a mysterious "Ella B" hints at unresolved passions. As autumn's leaves fall, Lanie delves into a world of facades and whispered clues. Join her as she navigates the enigmatic, separating friend from foe, to unmask the banality of evil.

When writer John Chapter is found dead, it’s the words he didn’t write that might hold the key.

In the heart of the roaring twenties, Harlem is a nexus of intellectual verve and literary prowess. Esteemed writers hold court at elegant soirées, critics debate the merits of the newest works, and ambition is the lifeblood of every aspiring novelist and poet. But as autumn casts its golden-red spell over the city, Harlem murmurs with mysteries that remain unseen beneath its vibrant surface.

Lanie Price, a society reporter with unparalleled access to Harlem’s elite, is accustomed to uncovering the secrets of the rich and famous. Her stories aren’t just sought after; they find her, often revealing the fragile line between public glamor and private scandal. But on one fateful autumn morning, the hum of the police band scanner in her newsroom relays an unexpected tragedy: the celebrated writer, John Chapter, lies lifeless in the parlor of his elegant Harlem townhouse.

For many, John Chapter’s writings are a window into the soul, his tales vivid and emotive. Each story he pens feels like an intimate conversation, often reflecting the very heartbeat of Harlem. How, then, has he met such an untimely and grim fate?

Complicating the scene is a torn letter discovered beside Chapter’s body. Penned by a mysterious “Ella B,” its fragments allude to past passions, clandestine encounters, and perhaps, dark motives. Ella B. is a specter from Chapter’s past, her name resonating like a half-remembered melody. Is she a spurned lover, seeking vengeance, or merely a shadowy figure whose relationship with Chapter is more complex than it seems?

As the leaves turn and fall in Harlem, Lanie dives deep into a world where every smile can be a facade, every whispered word a clue. It isn’t just about chasing headlines anymore; it’s personal. Lanie knows Harlem, its luminaries, its private libraries, and its grand literary salons. But this case may prove that even she has yet to uncover all of Harlem’s deeply kept secrets.

Set against the backdrop of Renaissance Harlem’s intellectual salons, highbrow gatherings, and undeniable charisma, “Chapter’s Bitter End” draws readers into a captivating tale of love, ambition, and intrigue. Join Lanie in her quest to decipher the enigmatic, to separate friend from foe, and to unveil a truth that might shake the very foundations of Harlem’s literary elite.

“Chapter’s Bitter End” — Within the hallowed halls of literary salons and the private conversations of the cultured lies a mystery aching to be solved. Are you prepared to unveil it?

Original Title

Chapter's Bitter End

Publish Date


Published Year







United States


English (US)

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